Is Your Current Rehab Program Not Working?

June 6, 2024
fitness personal trainer near me

"I've tried rehab so why is the pain is still there?"

Alright. You've tried everything short of hiring a magician to make your muscle pain disappear. MRIs, acupuncture, even chiropractic adjustments. But the pain keeps coming back like a bad movie sequel.

Now, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Your muscles are sending distress signals to your brain faster than a Formula 1 car racing around Silverstone.

Why? Because they're just not up to the task.

So, what's the solution?

Improved muscle function, then strength, and it has to be in that order. If you try to build strength when the target muscles aren’t contracting, you’re essentially training a compensation.

It won’t work, we know, we have people coming through our doors with the same reoccurring issue.

To sum it up with an analogy:

Muscle compensation is like a makeshift repair job on a leaky boat, patching up one hole while inadvertently creating another, until the whole vessel starts to feel unstable.


Well-functioning muscles are like the smooth-operating gears in a perfectly-tuned Swiss watch, keeping everything ticking along with precision and finesse.

So if you've tried rehab exercises before and they haven't worked - this might be the approach you are looking for.