Broke both collArboneS within a few months when playing rugby- the road to recovery with strength

Read more to find out how building strength sped up his recovery and helped him returned to Rugby sooner.

Shoulder Pain specialist St Paul's, City of London

Conor first came to us with a broken right collarbone, once he was given the all clear to start strengthening the area from his physio he came to us to find out how he could do specific exercises that didn't cause him pain and that would improve his recovery.

After doing an assessment on his shoulder we found two shoulder blade movements that were limited in range of movement and that had lost a significant amount of strength. We designed specific exercises that Conor could tolerate to help build back stability and strength in his shoulder.

After a couple of months Conor returned to rugby only to brake his left collarbone only 4 months after his first brake on his right collarbone.

The process started again and Conor managed to return to playing competitive rugby within 3 months. Conor has continued to build strength through following our strength programme and is getting stronger and seeing the benefits when playing competitive rugby.


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