All BESPOKE packages start with a biomechanics and OPTIONAL nutrition assessment before we design your programme.


Knee Pain Specialist St Paul's, City of London




Bespoke Nutrition plan, City of London




Back Pain specialist St Paul's, City of London




At Strength House in our Private Personal Training Facility in the City of London our method begins with a comprehensive full body biomechanics assessment, not a workout.  We will test every major joint in your body looking to restore muscle function and identify weaknesses. We’ll assess you for postural imbalances and areas that may be causing  pain. From day one, you’ll have the right techniques to turn your weakest spots into your most resilient. A biomechanics assessment  is about one fundamental thing: avoiding injury so you can reach the long-term. There’s nothing more frustrating than making a start on your health only to suffer a setback early on. At Strength House, we use every available tool to prevent it.


*This services is optional

Tailored to support you with your current time commitments.

This is split in to two 30 minutes sessions, 1 assessment at the start and a check in session 3 weeks later. We aim to give you the tools you need to implement simple healthy habits.

We have a holistic approach when it comes to dealing with nutrition. We believe training alone is never sufficient to see life-changing results. There are several factors which include emotional well-being and lifestyle. We aim to put all the pieces of your well-being together to give you the nutritional support you need.  Your goals might be nutrition to help your recover from an injury, weight management (fat loss, or muscle gain). It might simply be implementing healthier habits so you can perform and feel your best at work or just in day to day life. Or you might be training for a race or event and need extra nutrition advice to support you to the finish line.

Whatever goal you may have, we support you with evidence-based science. We don't cut out food groups (*unless you don't enjoy certain foods or it’s specified by doctor or dietician for diagnosed health reasons).

We aim to help you in the long run by making you understand the value of nutrition while separating fact from fiction with our approach.

We know that making a nutrition plan on paper is much easier than incorporating it into your daily life. That’s why we tailor our nutrition services to your tastes and lifestyle while considering what’s feasible in your day to day for you to achieve your goals.


Taking into consideration the mechanics of your body is what will help you keep moving through life strong and pain free.

Our personal training service at Strength House uses individualised biomechanics to bridge the gap between post physio rehab, injury prevention and your training goals, whether that’s:

- helping you with unresolved joint, muscle pain or an old sports injury that never got better.
- fat loss / weight loss
- training and preparation for a race or specific calisthenics performance goal.
- learning the most efficient way to build muscle while protecting your joints.
- improving  energy, focus, and strength for day to day health and work performance.

Our personal trainers ensure you're working in joint ranges you have the ability to contract muscle, we call this our active range of motion (training in ranges that builds your body). Exercising in ranges we cannot contract muscle can put excessive stress on our tendons, ligaments and joints, we call this our passive range and this can increase your risk for injury. We want you to be able to exercise pain free and for the long term. Training smart, enhances your chances to enjoy life later, to carry on being active and doing the activities you love.

Training with your dedicated personal trainer, you can achieve your goals with structure, support and accountability. Our passionate personal trainers will be with you at every step.  We hope to impart knowledge and skills that will stay with you lifelong.


Body Composition test:
We measure 10 skinfold sites on the body to calculate your body fat percentage and lean body mass. We recommend to have one test every month for accountability if you have body composition goals.

30 minute nutrition check in:
You can book additional check in's for feedback, support and accountability to ensure you reach your goals.



Please request a complimentary 15 minute video call or an in person consultation to find out how we can help you.

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