10 reasons why having a personal trainer can be beneficial for addressing aches and pains

August 8, 2023
The best way to resolve muscle and joint pain, city of London, St.Pauls private personal training

Find out what exactly makes Strength House personal trainers different and how they can help you with your aches and pains.

Why having a personal trainer can be beneficial for addressing aches and pains

With personal training, the difference really is in the detail. It's not just what we do, it's how we do it. Especially when you are looking to reduce musculoskeletal pain such as lower back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, hip pain, knee pain to name a few. Here are 10 beneficial reasons:

1. Expertise in Anatomy and Physiology

Strength House personal trainers are knowledgeable about the human body's structure and function. They can create tailored exercise plans to address specific muscle imbalances and help you alleviate your aches and pains.

2. Customised Exercise Plans - We design bespoke exercises

At Strength House your allocated personal trainer can design individualised workout routines that target your specific needs, helping you to improve muscle strength and joint stability, ultimately reducing pain. To understand exercise we need to understand force and how it impacts the body in the form of a dumbbell, barbell or machine. Strength House personal trainers have the knowledge to design exercises that will challenge your muscles appropriately throughout your full range of movement. It's almost like a short cut to getting stronger.

3. Proper Form and Technique

Incorrect exercise form can worsen your aches and pains and could even put your back in to spasm. Our in house personal trainers can guide you through proper technique (choosing exercises that are appropriate fro you), reducing the risk of injury and improving your overall movement patterns. They can help you understand your safe range of motion when lifting weights. If this range is not exceeded it can help reduce the risk of injury.

4. Functional Movement Training - But it's not what you think

Personal trainers can incorporate functional movements. This might not be what you think, we are not talking about mimicking daily activities. So what is functional movement training? This essentially means training any joint movement in the body. If you get the muscles stronger that move that particular joint, this strength transfer over to daily movements. Strengthening the muscles that cross all your major joints will improve your mobility, flexibility, and help you reduce discomfort associated with your sedentary lifestyles.

5. Progressive Overload

Gradually increasing exercise intensity under professional guidance can help strengthen muscles, bones, and connective tissues, ultimately alleviating aches and pains. Increasing the weight too fast will increase your risk of injury. Our personal trainers progress you at steady progressive pace that works for you. Our trainers will adapt the load depending on how you are feeling or performing in the session.

6. Pain Management Strategies - But not with a foam roller or stretches

Strength House personal trainers can integrate various pain management techniques, such as specific muscle activation techniques. These include isometric and full range movement training combined with mobility exercises, to alleviate discomfort and improve overall well-being.

7. Accountability and Motivation

Having a personal trainer creates accountability, ensuring you consistently engage in exercises that can gradually reduce aches and pains.

8. Injury Prevention

Strength House personal trainers can identify movement patterns that might lead to injuries, implementing corrective strategies to prevent potential issues and alleviate existing discomfort.

9. Education on Lifestyle Factors

Our in house trainers can educate you about the impact of factors like nutrition, hydration, sleep, and stress management on pain perception and recovery.

10. Long-term Health and Well-being

Regular exercise guided by our personal trainers can improve overall health, boost mood, and promote a more active lifestyle, contributing to reduced chronic pain over time.

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